Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Getting the (Cyber) Word Out

Chinese New Year allowed me a trip to Siem Reap to visit, among other things, a small NGO called The Green Gecko Project. It is an organization that United World College in Singapore has linked up with for part of their service programming and I was interested in checking it out in the search for service related opportunities at ISKL. 

Apart from how impressed I was with the scope of the organization and the profound difference they have made in the lives of the children they work with, I noted how they were 'getting the word out' regarding their programs. They offer daily tours to visitors and have a well-stocked visitor's center. In addition, they run several non-profit social enterprises in town. But I was equally impressed with the breadth of their lines of cyber communication. 

The visit got me thinking about how to best get the message out and involve as many people as possible in the sustainability and service related programs at ISKL. To this end, we have recently started a new Facebook page ( aimed at celebrating our daily dealings. Intended as a more friendly and low-key form of communication to the Panther News articles or this blog, we are hopeful you'll "like" the page and take an active role in sharing information through its portal. What's next?  We intend to create a YouTube channel before long to share the increasing number of audio visual evidence of sustainability at our school and community.  

Oh, and speaking of getting the word out, the February 12th edition of the New Straits Times featured a short article on our HS Earth Club and Eco Schools efforts toward the theme of biodiversity. Take a look if you have a moment:

Any thoughts on how to best use the internet and all the power it has to offer?  I'm happy to listen. Conversations are always so much more constructive than monologues, don't you think?  It's all part of communicating effectively in any and every direction. 

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